SCR12 - Walrus Ivory Eskimo-made Bag Handle.  Zoomorphic Form

Bag handles were long made by Bering Sea region Eskimos to serve as closures and handles for skin bags made to hold all manner of things, from sewing to hunting items.  This wonderful one is larger (10”) and of a more ornate form than are usually found.  The handle is flat on one side, and ridged on the other, with an open groove running down the ridge.  Both the upper and lower sides are decorated with “circle and dot” decoration at about ˝” intervals.  These are deeply drilled with a bow drill, and may have been decorated at one time with red ochre clay (none of which remains).  Both side edges of the handle were carved into a scalloping figures that are matching, side to side.  At one end the pattern of circle and dots (on upper and lower) surfaces is altered to have a single central dot, producing the effect of an animal’s head with a distinct “nose.”  This an the scalloped wavy sides combine to create the picture of one of the common mythical figures favored by Bering Strait Eskimos.  It therefore can be called a zoomorphic bag handle.  Fine

Price -  $120.00







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